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We have a custom log monitoring tool that processes the emails from our customer's backup solutions. It's a simple solution that can be configured to scan the subject or the body of the email, searching for some words, mainly 'success' to mark a backup as good or 'failure' or 'error' to mark a backup as bad.
We cannot use this solution with XSIBackup emails. We cannot add the state of the backup to the subject, and the body contains a error count for each VM, which is hard to process as the body cannot be modified to add some tags.
I would suggest to add some placeholders to the subject and body that you can add when neccesary, for example:
%RESULT%: 'success' if no error found, 'failed' if any error was found
%VMS%: comma separated list of VMs for the backup
I would also suggest adding one more column to the table with the individual result for each backup, so you can see ...Speed - Compress - Errors - Result (success or failed)
We will add new features in this direction in future releases. You can nonetheless design your own e-mail templates.
Yeah, I know that, but that doesn't include accessing backup data to present it on a custom format, you only have one placeholder for the full backup data, or am I missing something?
As said we will improve the flexibility of the e-mail report, still, you should not rely on e-mail to perform that kind of logging.
You have the [b]var/log/backupdb.log[/b] file where all those variables are logged into a single line, it's easy to take them from there using bash or Python and put them anywhere: Syslog, DB, etc...