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#1 Re: General matters » The --backup-point string is a mandatory value » 2019-04-26 15:21:06

Hello people.
I have the same problem. Works fine with all the parameters but does not recognize some parameters via the job/001 file or conf/smtpsrvs.

./xsibackup --run-job=001  - Results: "The --backup-point string is a mandatory value"

./xsibackup --run-job=001  --backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/nas02-bioener/besx1- Results: Backup ok

In both cases, i receive the message:

E-mail Warnings
The e-mail report will not be sent because of the followig reasons:
The --mail-from string has not been set
The --smtp-srv string has not been set
The --smtp-port string has not been set
The --smtp-usr string has not been set, you need --smtp-usr if --smtp-auth is other than -none-
The --smtp-pwd string has not been set, you need --smtp-pwd if --smtp-auth is other than -none-


# This is a backup job file example. It starts with the path to your
# xsibackup file and ends with the redirection to the log file. Please
# do make sure that you keep first and last lines, changing paths to
# match your working environment.

"/vmfs/volumes/system/xsi-dir/xsibackup" \
--backup-prog=XSITools \
--backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/nas02-bioener/besx1 \
--backup-type=running \
--backup-how=hot \
--date-dir=yes \
--use-smtp=1 \
--mail-to="sebastian.cabrera@gmail.com" \
--backup-id=001 \
--description="besx1" \
--on-success="backupId->002" \
--on-error="backupId->002" \
--exec=yes >> "/vmfs/volumes/system/xsi-dir/var/logs/xsibackup.log"


# [TITLE] = SMTP Server
# You can add as many SMTP servers as you want
# Columns are separated by colons as described below
# One server per line pledging to the following format (please, do note that the server IP or FQDN and port are separated by a colon)
# ORDINAL(integer);--smtp-srv(IP or FQDN):--smtp-port;--mail-from;--smtp-usr;--smtp-pwd;--smtp-auth(none|anystring);--smtp-sec(TLS|anystring);--smtp-delay(0-4 sec)
# Do not parse any --smtp-delay unless you need it 0 is OK, only first 8 fields are mandatory
# Example

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