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#1 General matters » Migrate existing jobs from 10.3.4 to 11.0.1 » 2018-07-03 05:31:53

Replies: 1

Hello, I'd try to migrate from the last pro version to v11.xxx in the near future, but I could not find any detailed information about the migration process.

- Will the existing xsibackup-cron file conversion to new /jobs be done auomaticly?
- Will the upgrade presevere the current backup schedule?
- Will I need to run the Key Exchange process again?

A short step-by-step migration tutorial would be very nice!


#2 Re: General matters » How to exclude VM's rather then include » 2018-05-08 12:26:36

admin wrote:

You can select VM by means of a Regular Expression as described in the product's man page: (c)XSIBackup-Classic Man Page

I would like to have a job that backups all the VM's (even the newly created ones) and exclude a few one (for example the ones that contain the keyword "DVR" in their name)

I do not think that this can be done with REGEX, as I'm unable to exclude that way. Am I right, or I'm missing something?


#3 Re: General matters » How to exclude VM's rather then include » 2018-05-08 04:39:47

It would be nice to have an exclude option for a whole vms and not only disks inside vm-s.

--backup-type=all \
--backup-vms="!Exclude-This-VM,!AlsoExcludeThisVM" \

Could you provide an exclude regex example for me?


#4 Re: © XSITools » remote REGEX not working » 2018-05-04 11:16:53

A friend of mine found a quick solution on this. One should escape the () characters for remote regex to work fine.



(maybe this should be mentioned in the man page)

#5 © XSITools » remote REGEX not working » 2018-05-04 11:10:14

Replies: 2

I have two Esxi 6.5 production servers and a NAS device connected with local gigabit connection.
I'm trying to use the --backup-vms="REGEXP(_XSIBAK$)" switch together with --host x.x.x.x remote execution, but it fails with: sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
The above regex should match the all VM's with _XSIBAK suffix.

The failing command:

"/vmfs/volumes/R6-Hitachi12TB/xsi-dir/xsibackup" --backupId=102 --test-mode=true --host= --backup-prog=xsitools --backup-point="/vmfs/volumes/syn-disk-01-8tb/esxi.xsistore/onediffs-xsitoolshistory-dl80-1/$( date +'%Y.week-%V')" --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="REGEXP(_XSIBAK$)" --backup-room=4000 --mail-to=yyy@yyy.hu --use-smtp=1 --override=xsibakfilter

Detailed Output:

#  (c) XSIBACKUP-PRO 10.3.3 | Backup for (c) VMWARE ESXi Hypervisor by 33hops.com

Info: XSIBACKUP-PRO will now try to determine the remote's XSIBACKUP-PRO installation point...
Tip: should this process take too long, use the --remote-xsipath argument to set it per backup job
Found (c) XSIBackup installation. Remote path is set dynamically
Remote xsi path set to: /vmfs/volumes/597d8b7c-5f037f24-49a9-001999989fef/xsi-dir
Preparing to execute backup in remote server:
File xsibackup already present at server
File EULA already present at server
File bin/xsidiff already present at server
File bin/xsibackup-rsync already present at server
File bin/pv already present at server
File src/functions already present at server
File src/mapblocks already present at server
File src/onediff already present at server
File src/sendmail already present at server
File src/xsitools already present at server
File src/pro/host already present at server
File src/pro/borg already present at server
File src/pro/certify already present at server
File src/pro/custimgs already present at server
File src/pro/esxbackup already present at server
File src/pro/events already present at server
File src/pro/vmsregexp already present at server
File src/pro/onediff already present at server
File src/pro/onediffcert already present at server
File src/pro/restore already present at server
File src/pro/smartinfo already present at server
File conf/smtpsrvs already present at server
File conf/xsiopts already present at server
Executing remote backup on
Saving log locally to => xsibackup-cron-
sh: syntax error: unexpected "("

When I remove the REGEX, the remote job runs and completes without error:

"/vmfs/volumes/R6-Hitachi12TB/xsi-dir/xsibackup" --backupId=102 --test-mode=true --host= --backup-prog=xsitools --backup-point="/vmfs/volumes/syn-disk-01-8tb/esxi.xsistore/onediffs-xsitoolshistory-dl80-1/$( date +'%Y.week-%V')" --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="MyVMName_XSIBAK" --backup-room=4000 --mail-to=yyy@yyy.hu --use-smtp=1 --override=xsibakfilter

#6 © XSITools » xsibackup overlap swith » 2018-04-01 17:26:52

Replies: 2

I'm facing the following situation, and I'd be really happy to have some help :-)

I have two Esxi 6.5 production servers connected with local gigabit connection.
The goal is to have an automated OneDiff backup with history. My schedule would be to run it 4 hourly.
Backup logic: OneDiff ESXI-A VM's to ESXI-B (Datastore-X) than OneDiff's --onsuccess would call XsiTools on the remote ESXI-B and create XsiTools backup to ESXI-B (Datastore-Y)

This is the tutorial I'm using: https://33hops.com/xsibackup-pro-onedif … olicy.html

It works fine for small machines, but if I try to schedule it evry 4 hour, than the chained XsiTools fails, because for a 700+ GB test VM it can't finish the process. I'd also like to use a weekly rotation, so Its not so universal to make the first OneDiff manually.

It would be nice to see a new switch like --overlap-mode[=killprevious|skipnewrun]

> killprevious: this means, that all the currently running backups are interupted, and the new backup runs.
> skipnewrun: this means, that we let the previous backup to finnish if any.
In the above situation i could set the skipnewrun for the XSITOOLS chained backup, ensuring that the first run can finish.

Is there a chance to have this implemented, or should I fix this issue with other logic?


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