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#1 2017-05-06 10:57:41


Crontab may not fire job on time

Processing a large xsibackup-cron file may take longer than desired, especially in commodity servers with limited CPUs. Taking times was moved to the head of the script in version 9.1.5, which would not help prevent this situations. In version 9.1.6, taking of times will be moved back to --time argument processing block to help reduce latencies.

Last edited by Daniel (2017-05-08 16:34:18)

#2 2017-05-08 16:34:04


Re: Crontab may not fire job on time

We have drastically reduced the time it takes XSIBACKUP-PRO to process each cron line by early discarding lines without a --time or --exec parameter.

#3 2017-05-12 19:31:56


Re: Crontab may not fire job on time

Solved in v. 9.1.6

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