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#1 2021-05-21 13:48:13

Registered: 2018-02-27
Posts: 34


I have found a new tool on your website: XSIDirector
so I thought to give it a try.

First lesson to learn: it will NOT run on ESXi , you have to use a linux system (maybe this should be stated more visible in the docs?)

So I installed it on my Ubuntu 20.04.02 LTS:

klaus@rails64-dev:~/Downloads/xsidirector$ ./xsi-cmd 
stty: Wenn ein Ausgabestil angegeben ist, kann kein Modus gesetzt werden
WARNING: can't detect TTY resolution, maybe SSH_TTY environment variable is missing
       -             (c)XSIDirector | All rights reserved                   -
       -             (c)33HOPS, Sistemas de Informacion y Redes, SL                 -
       -            Centralized management tools for (c)XSIBackup-DC                -
Checking dependencies...: OK
chmod: Zugriff auf '/home/klaus/Downloads/xsidirector/keys/*_RSA_*' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
/home/klaus/Downloads/xsidirector/src/gui.sh: Zeile 5: Warnung: setlocale: LC_ALL: Kann die Locale nicht ändern (es_ES.UTF-8).

so maybe running as root ??

root@rails64-dev:~/Projekte/xsidirector# ./xsi-cmd gen-key
stty: Wenn ein Ausgabestil angegeben ist, kann kein Modus gesetzt werden
WARNING: can't detect TTY resolution, maybe SSH_TTY environment variable is missing
       -             (c)XSIDirector | All rights reserved                   -
       -             (c)33HOPS, Sistemas de Informacion y Redes, SL                 -
       -            Centralized management tools for (c)XSIBackup-DC                -
Checking dependencies...: OK
chmod: Zugriff auf '/root/Projekte/xsidirector/keys/*_RSA_*' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
/root/Projekte/xsidirector/src/gui.sh: Zeile 5: Warnung: setlocale: LC_ALL: Kann die Locale nicht ändern (es_ES.UTF-8).

Nope, not working..
I've looked at the source code, and it is 'key-gen' and not 'gen-key' !!
Please correct the docs at [url=https://33hops.com/xsidirector-man-page.html](c)XSIDirector man page[/url]

so: Step1: "key-gen", Step2: distribute keys with "keys=add", Step3: install

root@rails64-dev:~/Projekte/xsidirector# ./xsi-cmd  install=XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip key=key1 hosts=hosts1
stty: when specifying an output style, modes may not be set
WARNING: can't detect TTY resolution, maybe SSH_TTY environment variable is missing
       -             (c)XSIDirector | All rights reserved                   -
       -             (c)33HOPS, Sistemas de Informacion y Redes, SL                 -
       -            Centralized management tools for (c)XSIBackup-DC                -
Checking dependencies...: OK
Are you sure you want to install the package [XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip]?(y/n): y
OK: key was set to [key1] via 'key' argument
OK: hosts file was set to [hosts1] via 'hosts' argument
Reading data [hosts1]...
ITEM 1 | IP/FQDN:port: server1:22
Username: root
OK: [XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip] was transferred to root@server1:/tmp
KO: failed to install, error: Error: the provided path is invalid
Checking install...
KO: could not check, error: sh: eval: line 1: /scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-DC/xsibackup: not found

/scratch/XSI was created on server1 but is was empty ...
running the same command a second time ...

root@rails64-dev:~/Projekte/xsidirector# ./xsi-cmd  install=XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip key=key1 hosts=hosts1
stty: when specifying an output style, modes may not be set
WARNING: can't detect TTY resolution, maybe SSH_TTY environment variable is missing
       -             (c)XSIDirector | All rights reserved                   -
       -             (c)33HOPS, Sistemas de Informacion y Redes, SL                 -
       -            Centralized management tools for (c)XSIBackup-DC                -
Checking dependencies...: OK
Are you sure you want to install the package [XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip]?(y/n): y
OK: key was set to [key1] via 'key' argument
OK: hosts file was set to [hosts1] via 'hosts' argument
Reading data [hosts1]...
ITEM 1 | IP/FQDN:port: server1:22
Username: root
OK: [XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip] was transferred to root@server1:/tmp
OK: installed to /scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-DC
Checking install...
OK: version is
Accepting EULA at host server1...
OK: [XSIBackup-DC_1.5.0.4.zip] EULA was accepted at server server1

Wow, now it was installed !!

So now lets start the gui and try to connect to server1:

root@rails64-dev:~/Projekte/xsidirector# ./xsi-cmd gui key=key1 hosts=hosts1
stty: when specifying an output style, modes may not be set
WARNING: can't detect TTY resolution, maybe SSH_TTY environment variable is missing
/root/Projekte/xsidirector/src/gui.sh: line 5: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8): No such file or directory

  +-------------------------- Open GUI from: -----------------------------+
   |                                                                       |
   |                                                                       |
   | Choose one server from the list                                       |
   | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |                         server1  Server1                          | |
   | |                         server2  Server2                          | |
   | |                         server3  Server3                          | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                   <Open GUI>          <  Exit  >                      |

Error opening terminal: xterm-256color.
Connection to server1 closed.
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8)
stty: when specifying an output style, modes may not be set
WARNING: can't detect TTY resolution, maybe SSH_TTY environment variable is missing
/root/Projekte/xsidirector/src/gui.sh: line 5: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8)

 (c)XSIDirector                          (c)2021 33HOPS, Sistemas de Informacion y Redes, S.L.

mmhh, not working ..


#2 2021-05-21 16:38:54

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: XSIDirector

Thank you for your feedback. We already corrected the typos in the man page. We just published this first version yesterday, it's a compilation of the knowledge we accumulated in doing automated deployments so far. Still, it's in an early development stage and it will need some more polishing before it can work seamlessly in all mayor Linux distros.

The first error installing the software remotely was probably due to the [b]known_hosts[/b] warning from part of the ssh client. There are some ssh client options to prevent that, none of them seems to work well though, we'll try to refine that.

You also have some minor dependency issues regarding [b]stty[/b] which is used to detect the SSH client window resolution. They are not critical though.

At the end you receive an error having to do with your SSH client mode.

To prevent errors of this kind, I would stick to using Putty by now, as it's the tool we use to develop.
Trying to offer wide SSH client compatibility might be very difficult to impossible, depending on the features they offer.


#3 2021-06-03 08:49:55

Registered: 2021-04-14
Posts: 21

Re: XSIDirector

Download link warns registered users to download XSIDirector from their user page, but I can't find such link as a logged-in user.


#4 2021-06-03 11:39:46

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: XSIDirector

There must be some text inconsistency, we'll check that, there's only one version of the tool. You can download from here:
[url=https://33hops.com/xsidirector-esxi-management-deployment.html]XSIDirector Home Page[/url]


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