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I'm trying to make a onediff-backup. In testmode everthing seems to be alright.
Here's an extract from the mail:
Done hot backup using onediff (no compression)
Mirroring following VMs to
VM Name State Size Stop Copy Start Time (min) Speed (mb/s)
Zabbix ON 45G NO (hot backup) OK - 0 2477
Complete backup elapsed time: 0 min
If I want to take a backup, the Programm hang up after taking the snapshot.
Test mode won't test anything but e-mail send, so It's not worth comparing both scenarios. Can you provide all details?: backup job and output, that will give us the rest of the info we need, like ESXi version VM paths and so on. Most of VMWare ESXi related issues have to do with snapshots. Snapshot related operations are the most critical, in any case, most of the times a consolidation will suffice.
Last edited by Daniel (2017-04-26 07:51:54)
./xsibackup --host= --backup-prog=onediff --snapshot=excludememory,dontquiesce --backup-point="" --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="Zabbix" --mail-to="" --img-list="|none|none|none|none|none" --use-smtp=1
Backup source is ESXI 6.0.0 and backup target is 5.1.0, is that probably the problem?
paths on both machines are standard.
Snapshot is taken successfully
ESXi 5.1.0 cannot handle the hardware version you are transferring from 6.0.0. You need to use same ESXi versions when running OneDiff. OneDiff mirrors VMs from one server to the other, if you use a different version on the other end, you are not only and most probably mixing incompatible hardware versions, but you are transferring snapshots generated with a newer version to an older one. We will add more warnings to prevent this kind of situations.
### admin 2017-08-02, to the general viewers ###
It doesn't actually depend on the ESXi version so much as in the VM hardware version. We run cross-ESXi-version OneDiff backups everyday, but the HW version is the lowest common denominator in the equation, and if you forget it, you'll fall into hangs and ackward behaviour from part of ESXi.
I will never get tired to recommend only upgrading when you need to, otherwise you'll be assuming innecesary risks. This goes for your VM HW version too. The best IT admins that i've known were the most coward ones (in terms of technical risks), their task is to keep services running for users to take advantage of them, not to wear the latest fashion.
VMWare offers backward compatibility in terms of HW version, use it!, per instance using HW v8 across ESXi 5.1, 5.5, 6.0 & 6.5
Not only you'll be able to perform OneDiff backups seamlessly, but you'll be able to move your VMs around if you need to.
OK, thank you.
I have three hosts running 6.0.0
My strategy was to backup all machines to the 5.1 host, but can I "backup in a round", so that I mirroring Host A to B, B to C and C to A?
Is it a good Idea, or should I ugrade my 5.1 to 6.0 so that i can use it as a central-backup host?
Both backup topologies should do it, it's up to you to choose your best option. Upgrading is very easy, it should not take you more than 20 mins. In either case, you will still depend on one single copy. Taking on account that you should backup the OneDiff mirror daily to keep a historic set I would upgrade the 5.1, use it as a centralized backup location and from there backup the mirror to a historic set via XSITools.
Last edited by Daniel (2017-04-26 22:26:27)
Pages: 1