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I want to backup 3 virt. system in sum about 192 GB data. So I have mounted a NFS share for backup. I only need one backup for each vm. So I calculated 500 GB space for the backup. So one backup for each system should already exist, when I creat the third backup the first one must be deleted before the creation is possible.
My job file looks like this:
"/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup" \
--backup-prog=XSITools \
--date-dir=yes \
--certify-backup=yes \
--backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/tdraid/BACKUP \
--backup-type=custom \
--backup-room=500 \
--backup-how=cold \
--backup-vms=ubuntu,win10,lexware \
--remote-xsipath=/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir \ \ \
--backup-id=001 \
--description="backup of production VMs" \
--subject="TD-ESXii-Backup" \
--smtp-srv= \
--smtp-port=25 \
--smtp-auth=none \
--smtp-usr="dummy" \
--smtp-pwd="xxx" \
--shutdown-wait=120 \
--exec=yes >> "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/var/logs/xsibackup.log"
So, when I begin with making backups, everything works fine, until I the first backup where old backups must be deleted.
Then I get the following error message:
• [ Sun Apr 7 01:06:55 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (MKROOM01), details Error: cannot make 140G of room, only 95G can be made available
• [ Sun Apr 7 01:08:00 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (MKROOM01), details Error: cannot make 140G of room, only 93G can be made available
• [ Sun Apr 7 01:08:29 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (MKROOM01), details Error: cannot make 140G of room, only 94G can be made available
• [ Sun Apr 7 02:41:44 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (CLXSITO1), details [lexware] error: backup error, details: rsync: rename "/vmfs/volumes/tdraid/BACKUP/20190407010004/lexware/.Windows 7 x64-000003-delta.vmdk.KDCXTL" -> "Windows 7 x64-000003-delta.vmdk": No such file or directory (2)
• [ Sun Apr 7 03:00:29 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (CLXSITO1), details [lexware] error: backup error, details: rsync: rename "/vmfs/volumes/tdraid/BACKUP/20190407010005/lexware/.Windows 7 x64-000003-delta.vmdk.GP4xh8" -> "Windows 7 x64-000003-delta.vmdk": No such file or directory (2)
• [ Sun Apr 7 03:42:27 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (MKROOM01), details Error: cannot make 52G of room, only 39G can be made available
• [ Sun Apr 7 03:50:21 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (MKROOM01), details Error: cannot make 52G of room, only 39G can be made available
• [ Sun Apr 7 03:58:41 UTC 2019 ] ERROR (MKROOM01), details Error: cannot make 52G of room, only 39G can be made available
• rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1165) [sender=3.1.0]
I do not understand the problem. Why is it only possible to delete some parts of the old backups? And how can I solve this issue?
Only folders pledging to the datedirmask variable in the conf/xsiopts file are considered for deletion.
Sorry, I do not understand your answer.
I use the option "date-dir" and start making backups to an empty directory. So how can I ensure, that the backup files created with the necessary datedir information? I did not create any files or folders manually!
Only folders looking like this will be considered when calculating the amount of space used
Sorry, I still do not unterstand. All backup files are stored in folders with a syntax like you mentioned before. So why do the old directories did not get deleted to free up space?
And there are no other directories in my backup folder which do NOT follow the mentioned syntax. And all files in side the folders with a syntax you mentioned before are created during one of the backup procedure NOT manually be me.
So, how can I use the feature for automatically deleting old backups when a specific amount of used backup space was reached?
I cannot see any error in my configuration!
XSITools is a deduplication engine. Please, read before using, it stores data in deduplicated chunks, what you see is not what you probably think you are seeing. Those folders do not contain data, but hashmaps, those folders can't be deleted without pruning the deduplicated repository. On top of that (c)XSITools is a trial feature in XSIBackup-Free, so you won't be able to restore or prune those backups unless you buy the Pro version.
If you want to keep using Free, use --backup-prog=Vmkfstools|Rsync|Onediff
[url=]Deduplicate on VMFS with (c)XSITools[/url]
[url=](c)XSIBackup Classic: using backup programs[/url]
Pages: 1