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#1 2019-02-12 18:03:53

Registered: 2019-02-12
Posts: 12

Problems with "Sevice" VMDK Disks.

We get error message:

Needed room: 9619 Gb.
Sparse size: 9630 Gb.
Available room: 4412 Gb.

All VMs together are only 542G. We suspect that this error is due to service vmdks residing at other datastores.

[tesla] info: boot partition is EFI
[tesla] Info: attempting to free 4337664 mb at [ /vmfs/volumes/gc0_hdd3 ]
Removing snapshots, please wait...
Syncronizing config files
At least one independent disk was detected
Tip: perform a [cold] backup to copy independent disks
This independent disks will be excluded:
[tesla] info: VMWare Tools detected, taking snapshot QUIESCED(false)...
[tesla] info: set argument --snapshot=doquiesce to quiesce your VMs
Backing up virtual disks...
sata0:0.fileName = "tesla.vmdk"
sata1:0.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/572d1e61-cd94fa28-d1f8-0cc47a8e1078/vm-ext/tesla/tesla.vmdk"
Disk ["tesla.vmdk"] excluded
Disk ["/vmfs/volumes/572d1e61-cd94fa28-d1f8-0cc47a8e1078/vm-ext/tesla/tesla.vmdk"] excluded
Excluded disks removed from backup .vmx file

Excluded disks removed from backup .vmx file

Excluded disks removed from backup .vmx file
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Errors detected in backup, check logs

It is OK that these service drives are not backed up; however,
We -do- want these backups also to access these “independent” service vmdk disks and -not- be excluded from the vmx file!! Is this possible?

Thanks for any assistance in the matter,


Last edited by Dennis (2019-02-12 18:04:53)


#2 2019-02-12 19:55:50

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Problems with "Sevice" VMDK Disks.

Independent disks cannot be backed up, as they are not affected by snapshots. That applies to other software too:
[url=https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100024362]Backup of independent disks[/url]

You must backup that content from within the guest OS.


#3 2019-02-12 21:20:41

Registered: 2019-02-12
Posts: 12

Re: Problems with "Sevice" VMDK Disks.

Yes; we understand this. And yes, we do not want to backup independent disks. However, we:

[1] We -do- want your produced backup vmx's also to access these “independent” service vmdk disks and -not !!! - be excluded from the vmx file!! Is this possible?

[2] Don't have this error message at the top. E.g. perform calculation first.


#4 2019-02-13 14:43:36

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Problems with "Sevice" VMDK Disks.

You need to manually re-add the independent disk to the .vmx file. Our software prepares the VM to be switched on, it cannot asume it will find a disk it could not backup.


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