©XSIBackup-Free: Free Backup Software for ©VMWare ©ESXi

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#1 2018-11-19 10:20:42

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 4

Error MKROOM01


I have the XSIBACKUP-FREE 11.0.1 running on VMWare ESXI 6.5

I receive always an email with the error:
The eldest folders were deleted to make room:
Error MKROOM01: cannot make 892G of room, only 437G can be made available

And when i make an

 ls -alh

i have the correct space per file but not in total!

ls -alh /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/ total 660G drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Nov 19 05:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4.0K Nov 11 21:50 ..
-rw------- 1 root root  80G Nov 19 03:29 IPBrick_0-flat.vmdk
-rw------- 1 root root  581 Nov 19 03:29 IPBrick_0.vmdk
-rw------- 1 root root 800G Nov 19 05:35 IPBrick_1-flat.vmdk
-rw------- 1 root root  583 Nov 19 05:35 IPBrick_1.vmdk
-rw------- 1 root root 8.5K Nov 19 03:23 IPBrick.nvram
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   45 Nov 19 03:23 IPBrick.vmsd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.9K Nov 19 05:35 IPBrick.vmx
-rw------- 1 root root 3.2K Nov 19 03:23 IPBrick.vmxf

but with the


command i have this:

du -sh /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/*
32G     /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick_0-flat.vmdk
4.0K    /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick_0.vmdk
628G    /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick_1-flat.vmdk
4.0K    /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick_1.vmdk
12K     /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick.nvram
4.0K    /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick.vmsd
4.0K    /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick.vmx
4.0K    /usb/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick.vmxf

I have space free to make the backup! - in this disk i have 550G reserved to another files!

df -h
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb                     1.8T  1.4T  345G  81% /usb

This is my job

"/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup" \
--backup-point="/vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup/backup/VMWARE" \
--backup-type="custom" \
--backup-vms="Lua-IPBrick,Agua-Windows_server" \
--mail-to="b***s@pip****.**" --use-smtp=1 \
--backup-room="1250G"  --exec=yes >> "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/var/logs/xsibackup.log"

The output file /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/var/logs/xsibackup.log

cat /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/var/logs/xsibackup.log
2018-11-19T02:43:57|  ###############################################################################
2018-11-19T02:43:57|     XSIBACKUP-FREE 11.0.1: new execution request
2018-11-19T02:43:57|  ###############################################################################
2018-11-19T02:43:59|  NOTICE: (c) XSIBackup kills any user launched jobs, make sure you don't overlap manual jobs
2018-11-19T02:43:59|  NOTICE: (c) XSIBackup-Pro 11.1.5 is available to download
XSIBackup PID:           236425                                           estrela.pipemaster.pt
Mon, 19 Nov 2018 02:43:57 +0000                                IPv4:
VMware ESXi 6.5.0 build-4564106                              (c) Rsync 3.1.0 as opt. dependency
Backup Id:              unknown                       Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz
2018-11-19T02:44:00|  Message: crontab is installed for user root
2018-11-19T02:44:01|  Backup user is: root
2018-11-19T02:44:01|  --backup-point found at /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup/backup/VMWARE (filesystem: NFS)
2018-11-19T02:44:01|  Getting list of all VMs...
2018-11-19T02:44:01|  10     Hirenboot             [datastore1] Hirenboot/Hirenboot.vmx         windows9_64Guest        vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:02|  2      Terra-Firewall        [datastore1] Firewall/Firewall.vmx           freebsd64Guest          vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:03|  3      Agua-Windows_server   [datastore1] Windows/Windows.vmx             windows9Server64Guest   vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:03|  6      Lua-IPBrick           [datastore1] IPBrick/IPBrick.vmx             other26xLinux64Guest    vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:04|  7      pipe-PC_GRID          [datastore1] pipe-PC GRID/pipe-PC GRID.vmx   windows7_64Guest        vmx-11
2018-11-19T02:44:05|  9      Nuvem-Ubuntu_server   [datastore1] Ubuntu2/Ubuntu.vmx              ubuntu64Guest           vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:05|  VMs to backup:
2018-11-19T02:44:05|  3      Agua-Windows_server   [datastore1] Windows/Windows.vmx             windows9Server64Guest   vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:07|  6      Lua-IPBrick           [datastore1] IPBrick/IPBrick.vmx             other26xLinux64Guest    vmx-13
2018-11-19T02:44:15|  Needed room: 1200 Gb.
2018-11-19T02:44:15|  Sparse size: 1200 Gb.
2018-11-19T02:44:15|  Available room: 437 Gb.
2018-11-19T02:44:15|  Not enough room to make the backup, some older folders will be deleted
2018-11-19T02:44:16|  [Agua-Windows_server] Starting backup (size is 327680M on 327680M file)
2018-11-19T02:44:16|  XSIBackup will backup your VMs while they are running and will quiesce guest services too, so that users
2018-11-19T02:44:16|  can continue to use the VM while the backup is taking place. You can also run cold and warm --backup-how
2018-11-19T02:44:16|  Hot backup selected for VM: [Agua-Windows_server], will not be switched off
2018-11-19T02:44:17|  [Agua-Windows_server] info: boot partition is MBR
2018-11-19T02:44:17|  [Agua-Windows_server] info: Win64 OS (windows9Server64) detected on MBR, applying Windows algorithm
2018-11-19T02:44:17|  [Agua-Windows_server] Info: attempting to free 339968 mb at [ /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup ]
2018-11-19T02:44:18|  Removing snapshots, please wait...
2018-11-19T02:44:19|  Syncronizing config files
2018-11-19T02:44:24|  [Agua-Windows_server] info: VMWare Tools detected, taking snapshot QUIESCED(false)...
2018-11-19T02:44:24|  [Agua-Windows_server] info: set argument --snapshot=doquiesce to quiesce your VMs
2018-11-19T02:44:27|  Backing up virtual disks...
2018-11-19T02:44:27|  scsi0:0.fileName = "Windows_0.vmdk"
2018-11-19T02:44:27|  scsi0:1.fileName = "Windows_1.vmdk"
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk '/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Windows/Windows_0.vmdk'...
Clone: 100% done.
2018-11-19T03:04:05|  [Agua-Windows_server] Disk copied to /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup/backup/VMWARE/Agua-Windows_server/Windows_0.vmdk
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk '/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Windows/Windows_1.vmdk'...
Clone: 100% done.
2018-11-19T03:22:30|  [Agua-Windows_server] Disk copied to /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup/backup/VMWARE/Agua-Windows_server/Windows_1.vmdk
2018-11-19T03:22:50|  [Lua-IPBrick] Starting backup (size is 901120M on 901120M file)
2018-11-19T03:22:51|  XSIBackup will backup your VMs while they are running and will quiesce guest services too, so that users
2018-11-19T03:22:51|  can continue to use the VM while the backup is taking place. You can also run cold and warm --backup-how
2018-11-19T03:22:51|  Hot backup selected for VM: [Lua-IPBrick], will not be switched off
2018-11-19T03:22:51|  [Lua-IPBrick] info: boot partition is MBR
2018-11-19T03:22:52|  [Lua-IPBrick] Info: attempting to free 913408 mb at [ /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup ]
2018-11-19T03:22:57|  Removing snapshots, please wait...
2018-11-19T03:22:58|  Syncronizing config files
2018-11-19T03:23:09|  [Lua-IPBrick] info: VMWare Tools detected, taking snapshot QUIESCED(false)...
2018-11-19T03:23:09|  [Lua-IPBrick] info: set argument --snapshot=doquiesce to quiesce your VMs
2018-11-19T03:23:12|  Backing up virtual disks...
2018-11-19T03:23:12|  scsi0:0.fileName = "IPBrick_0.vmdk"
2018-11-19T03:23:12|  scsi0:1.fileName = "IPBrick_1.vmdk"
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk '/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/IPBrick/IPBrick_0.vmdk'...
Clone: 100% done.
2018-11-19T03:29:04|  [Lua-IPBrick] Disk copied to /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick_0.vmdk
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk '/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/IPBrick/IPBrick_1.vmdk'...
Clone: 100% done.
2018-11-19T05:35:20|  [Lua-IPBrick] Disk copied to /vmfs/volumes/nuvem_backup/backup/VMWARE/Lua-IPBrick/IPBrick_1.vmdk
|              Backup of ESXi configuration is not available in XSIBACKUP-FREE             |
|                          Get XSIBACKUP-PRO at https://33hops.com                          |
|                              USE DISCOUNT COUPON: XSIDREWYI                              |

2018-11-19T05:35:48|  Errors detected in backup, check logs
Using stored SMTP server info...
Found conf/smtpsrvs file...
2018-11-19T05:35:50|  Opening port 25 for SMTPout-25 service...
220 lua.pipemasters.pt ESMTP
250 lua.pipemasters.pt
502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)
502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)
502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)
250 ok
250 ok
354 go ahead punk, make my day
250 ok 1542605767 qp 4387 by lua.pipemasters.pt
221 lua.pipemasters.pt Goodbye.
2018-11-19T05:36:08|  Firewall rule SMTPout-25 closed.
2018-11-19T05:36:08|  Backup finished
2018-11-19T05:36:08|  Tip: no chained backups scheduled, set --on-success and/or --on-error arguments to chain a backup

Thanks in advanced!

Last edited by Bruno (2018-11-19 10:23:04)


#2 2018-11-19 15:30:38

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,055

Re: Error MKROOM01

You don't have enough room to make the backup, add more backup space to your backup device.
Take on account that XSIBackup will only consider folders that meet the datedirmask as defined in the xsi-dir/conf/xsiopts file.

# This file contains some options (c) XSIBackup can use when executed
# (c) XSIBackup will operate well with default values, do not edit this
# file, unless you are absolutely sure of what you're doing and why you
# are doing it. You edit this file under your sole responsability.

# This variable below holds the xsi installation path in remote systems
# (c) XSIBackup will first try to determine the remote installation path
# dynamically for every backup job, if it finds duplicate installations
# or can't find one, it will default to the hardcoded value below

# The following variable holds the directory mask XSIBackup will use when
# deleting older dirs at the time to make room, you do not need to change it
# the pattern below is not a REGEX, but a regular Linux search pattern, it
# checks YYYYMMDDhhmmss strings. Bounds are not checked, just type/length

# Set the amount of megabytes which checksums will be compared after backup
# starting at the beggining of the file. This is not a complete check, but
# quite often this portion of the disk will hold the superblock, so a change
# in a single file will result in this portion of the disk being different

# This is the default username (c) XSIBackup will use when connecting to
# the backup server over SSH. All "over IP" backups are tunneled through
# an ssh tunnel. You must ensure that the remote user has appropiate
# permissions to perform the required backup job tasks.

# This variable sets wether XSIBackup will check for new versions or not
# Set it to -no- if your DNS client takes too long to respond and it is
# delaying program execution

# This value controls the level of verbosity, it can take values, set it
# above 2 to get detailed warnings about missing files, like .nvram or
# .vmxf which are not neccessarily present in all VMs

# Rotate logs when they reach N megabytes, default is 50M


#3 2018-11-20 08:43:30

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 4

Re: Error MKROOM01

Thanks, i cleaned the disk (removed all the older backups) and the backup gone successfully.
Tomorrow let see if the backup remove the older backups and stay ok!


#4 2018-11-21 08:34:11

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 4

Re: Error MKROOM01

Hi, today the same thing.


If i clean all the backups the backup is made successfully if not the xsibackup do not clean the space, i think, or not, or is something else?


#5 2018-11-23 09:36:55

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 4

Re: Error MKROOM01

Is there some way force the remove of backups before the update?


#6 2018-11-26 10:30:25

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,055

Re: Error MKROOM01

Yes, the --date-dir argument allows to do so. Currently it is only available in the Pro version.


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