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#1 2018-11-03 08:31:16

Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 2

Activate XSIDiff license


we have some problems with our installation of Xonediff, I tell you if anyone can help.

We have two servers (ServerA (xsibackup pro install), ServerB) and we launch a copy of a VM (70Gb) from ServerB to ServerA.

On the first start of backup, XSIBACKUP copy the installation from ServerA to ServerB. We download the request.key form ServerA and
ServerB and we upload to the user control panel to generate a new license.

Then we download the license and upload to ServerA. ServerA has two NIC, one ending MAC *******:b2:3b and license upload to serverB ends with *******b23.key

We do the same with ServerB, has two NICs, and we upload the corresponding license to match the NIC MAC ADDRESS.

We launch the job from serverA:

"/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup" \
--backup-prog=OneDiff \
--host=SERVERB:22 \
--backup-point=SERVERA:22"/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/backups_s07" \
--backup-type=Custom \
--backup-vms="v02" \
--backup-how=Hot \
--use-smtp=2 \
--mail-to=XXX@XXXXX \
--backup-id=005 \
--exec=yes >> "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/var/logs/xsibackup.log"

And the log register:

2018-11-03T08:12:58|  Info: transfering file | /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/v02/v02.vmdk                                                                                                                          
2018-11-03T08:12:58|  Info: activate your (c)XSIDiff license to boost transfer speed

QUESTION A) It isn't registred the ServerB XSIDiff? we copy correctly the license KEYS on each server?

QUESTION B) The first copy runs OK, but the second time that we lauch the job backup if fails:

2018-11-03T08:05:56|  [v02] info: comparing first 500M of [v02.vmdk]...                                                                                                                                             
2018-11-03T08:06:03|  [v02] info: (source) first 500M hash is: 175c7fa26048916281e4f13b6d6d7eccdd978737
2018-11-03T08:06:03|  [v02] info: (target) first 500M hash is: 175c7fa26048916281e4f13b6d6d7eccdd978737                                                                                                        
2018-11-03T08:06:03|  [v02] info: first 500M check | OK [ 175c7fa26048916281e4f13b6d6d7eccdd978737 ]                                                                              
2018-11-03T08:06:03|  [v02] error DIFQMSH3: data size mistmatch: 56984 NE 56156...                                                                                                                              
2018-11-03T08:06:04|  [v02] measure DIFRMVMX: took measure, renamed remote .vmx file to reinitialize OneDiff
2018-11-03T08:06:16|  The ESXi configuration was saved to "SERVERA:/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/backups_s07"                                                                                                 
2018-11-03T08:06:16|  Errors detected in backup, check logs                          

Thanks in advance


#2 2018-11-03 14:53:42

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Activate XSIDiff license

Have you renamed the license files to [b]license.key[/b] and placed them in the installation root dir (xsi-dir)?
In regards to the second issue, the size mistmatch. Are your two servers coherent in terms of VMFS version?
You are getting this message:

2018-11-03T08:06:03|  [v02] error DIFQMSH3: data size mistmatch: 56984 NE 56156... 

Which means that [b][url=https://linuxcommand.org/lc3_man_pages/du1.html]du -m[/url][/b] is reporting a different number of used blocks.
Resolve issues in order: first make sure your license.key file is correctly installed, once you have fixed that issue, if the size mistmatch problem persists, contact support to diagnose the exact cause.


#3 2018-11-05 15:20:50

Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 2

Re: Activate XSIDiff license

Thank you very much @admin!

we have renamed the license key file on each server and now it reconice it as licensed version.

The second trouble it's resolved too with the corrected license, we have try various backup cicles and it works as expected---> very fast backup


#4 2018-11-05 15:45:08

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Activate XSIDiff license

Thank you for the feedback, we'll close this thread by now.


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