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Hello, why --on-success not work correctly?
thk for help
"/scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-Pro/xsibackup" \
--backup-prog=XSIDiff \
--snapshot=includememory,doquiesce \
--backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/HDD/BACKUPVM/VM_ALL_NO_T310/ \
--backup-type=Custom \
--backup-vms="Windows_DC2" \
--backup-how=Hot \
--use-smtp=1 \
--mail-to=assistenza@***.it \
--backup-id=088 \
--description="BCK" \
--on-success="https://hc.****.it:8000/ping/36c13006-caf2-4bed-9753-27e8771d" \
--on-error="https://hc.****.it:8000/ping/36c13006-caf2-4bed-9753-27e7f771d" \
--exec=yes >> "/scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-Pro/var/logs/xsibackup_088.log"
# (c) XSIBACKUP-PRO 11.2.19 | Backup for (c) VMWARE ESXi Hypervisor by
NOTICE: (c) XSIBackup kills any user launched jobs, make sure you don't overlap manual jobs
XSIBackup PID: 3615118 localhost
Wed, 24 Mar 2021 11:41:22 +0000 IPv4:
VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-14320388 (c) Rsync 3.1.0 as opt. dependency
Backup Id: 088 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210R CPU @ 2.40GHz
Backup description: BCK
Alert: crontab is not installed for user root
Backup user is: root
Backup program is: xsidiff
--backup-point found at /vmfs/volumes/HDD/BACKUPVM/VM_ALL_NO_T310 (filesystem: VMFS-6)
Getting list of all VMs...
VMs to backup:
1 Windows_DC2 [SSD] VM/Windows_DC2/Windows_DC2.vmx windows7Server64Guest vmx-13
Calculating sizes...
Needed room: 7 Gb.
Sparse size: 40 Gb.
Available room: 3515 Gb.
[Windows_DC2] Starting backup (size is 7956M on 40960M file)
XSIBackup will backup your VMs while they are running, so that users can continue to use the VM
while the backup is taking place. You can also run --backup-how=cold|warm
Hot backup selected for VM: [Windows_DC2], the VM is off though
[Windows_DC2] info: boot partition is MBR
[Windows_DC2] info: Win64 OS (windows7Server64) detected on MBR, applying Windows algorithm
Removing snapshots, please wait...
Syncronizing config files
Backing up virtual disks...
sending incremental file list
561 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
sent 662 bytes received 35 bytes 1,394.00 bytes/sec
total size is 561 speedup is 0.80
Meta-data available, zero aware copy
Reading from file /vmfs/volumes/SSD/VM/Windows_DC2/Windows_DC2_1-thin-flat.vmdk
Writing to file /vmfs/volumes/HDD/BACKUPVM/VM_ALL_NO_T310/Windows_DC2/Windows_DC2_1-thin-flat.vmdk
Set input file offset to 0 bytes
100.00% done
Time taken: 84 seconds
Speed 94.71 mb/s
Overall speed 487.62 mb/s
sending incremental file list
529 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
sent 625 bytes received 35 bytes 146.67 bytes/sec
total size is 529 speedup is 0.80
The ESXi configuration was saved to "/vmfs/volumes/HDD/BACKUPVM/VM_ALL_NO_T310"
No errors detected in backup
Using stored SMTP server info...
Found conf/smtpsrvs file...
Firewall rule SMTPout-25 closed.
Backup finished
Tip: no chained backups scheduled, set --on-success and/or --on-error arguments to chain a backup
We can't tell by reading the output. (c)XSIBackup-Pro Classic is a script, please debug it, it's very easy, you have the event handling code at the end of the main script.