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#1 2021-01-01 18:36:46

Registered: 2021-01-01
Posts: 2

Backup VM - Exclude 2nd HDD attached

I am trying to backup a PLEX VM however i wish to exclude the 2nd HDD (the HDD with the media files)

Hard Disk 1 - [SSD-PCIe-1TB-R421] PLEX/PLEX.vmdk
Hard Disk 2 - [PLEX-3TB] PLEX/PLEX.vmdk

Looking on the man page i can see there is an exclude option however the issue i am having is the HDD1 & HDD2 are both named PLEX.vmdk so the backup doesn't actually back anything up.

HDD1 is - dependant
HDD2 is - Independent - Persistent

What am i doing wrong? surely something simple.


#2 2021-01-01 19:52:13

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Backup VM - Exclude 2nd HDD attached

Rename your disks and make each one of them unique to the VM, or include part of the path that allows to differentiate them.


#3 2021-01-01 21:12:40

Registered: 2021-01-01
Posts: 2

Re: Backup VM - Exclude 2nd HDD attached

Thanks for the reply, i renamed the 2nd disk and used the !disk.vmdk to exclude it.

I was a little thrown off by the fact XSI still states the needed room was still being shown as both HDDs combined however when letting it run it does only backup the selected drive:

Calculating sizes...
Needed room: 2883 Gb.
Sparse size: 2885 Gb.
Available room: 3020 Gb.

Size of just the main vmdk is only 100GB



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