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seems this flag does not work. update and install is fine - it will not remove on any of my hosts.
[root@pro1:/vmfs/volumes/5d75000d-393caa77-6cf5-a0369f3ea540/XSI/pro1/XSIBackup-DC] ./xsibackup --update-cron
The (c)ESXi cron was updated with (c)XSIBackup-DC cron of user root
The ESXi crond service was restarted
Removed <tmp> dir OK
Removed PID OK
[root@pro1:/vmfs/volumes/5d75000d-393caa77-6cf5-a0369f3ea540/XSI/pro1/XSIBackup-DC] ./xsibackup --uninstall-cron
Could not find any cron install for user root
The ESXi crond service was restarted
Removed <tmp> dir OK
Removed PID OK
[root@pro1:/vmfs/volumes/5d75000d-393caa77-6cf5-a0369f3ea540/XSI/pro1/XSIBackup-DC] cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
#min hour day mon dow command
1 1 * * * /sbin/
1 * * * * /sbin/
0 * * * * /usr/lib/vmware/vmksummary/
*/5 * * * * /bin/ ++group=host/vim/vmvisor/hostd-probe/stats/sh
00 1 * * * localcli storage core device purge
0 0 1-31/2 * * "/vmfs/volumes/QNAP3/XSI/pro1/XSIBackup-DC/etc/jobs/001" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Added by XSIBackup
for now i have just commented out the cron line under /path/to/xsibackup/var/spool/cron/root-crontab and --update-cron. this clears it out successfully.
You are mixing things that sound similar but are not the same:
[b]--update-cron[/b] copies the contents of your local crontab at [b]<installation-dir>/var/spool/cron/root-crontab[/b] to the ESXi crontab at [b]/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root[/b]
[b]--uninstall-cron[/b] removes the entry in [b]/etc/rc.local.d/[/b] that allows to repopulate the ESXi crontab when you reboot the host. Your output is just letting you know that there isn't any entry installed for user root. For --uninstall-cron to work, you have to previously run --install-cron
Both commands contain the string cron, but are not related. Your output is perfectly right.
thank you - i understand now.
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