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Thought I would share a simple oneliner I have used to purge old backups from the repo. This just uses unix find and modification date. example shows a purge of 7 day old or more backups.
find /path/to/repo -type d -maxdepth 1 -mtime +7 -print0 | xargs -0 -i /path/to/xsibackup --prune {}
[b](c)XSIBackup-DC[/b] already includes a [b]--prune[/b] feature. Anybody using this or any other shared code snippet does it at his own risk.
this is using the --prune feature. but yes understood on your warning
We have discovered a bug that affects backups with a block size bigger than default (10M, 20M, 50M). Please switch to using 1MB blocks (default) and wait until we release a fix in v. before using bigger block sizes
[url=]Non default --block-size bug[/url]