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We run XSIBackup nightly to create OneDiff copies of VMs to a separate disk:
/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup --backup-prog=Onediff --backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/Storage2TB/backup --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="nod1"
The backup creates a snapshot named "xsibackupdiff"
Question is: I want to install updates to one VM, but would like to do a snapshot beforhand. This snapshot will be created after "xsibackupdiff", right? Will this interfere with the onediff snapshot?
Anything else I need to think of? I just like to have a snapshot in case the install of updates causes problems.
Onediff will force the VM to have just its own snapshot, thus trying to keep a custom snapshot will fail, as it will be deleted on the first Onediff cycle (the first full copy). To keep that snapshot and still backup your VM you could use [b]--backup-prog=Xsitools[/b] or [b]--backup-prog=Xsitools[/b], but that would perform a full copy everytime.
You can also use [url=](c)XSIBackup-DC[/url] which will always preserve any pre-existing snapshot with any kind of operation, you may contact us to size whether that change would benefit your current backup set up.
OK. Note that I will need this extra snapshot just for a while, until I have verified that the patch install went OK.
Naturally would one option be to change the backups to use XSItools, create the snapshot, do the upgrade and then change back when I have verified that all is OK.
Yes, you could do that.
OK. When I do so, it does not remove the "xsibackupdiff 1" snapshot. Is that to be expected? Should I leave it there or remove all snapshots before I turn back to OneDiff after the upgrade?
Also, with XSitools it now creates a full backup in a new folder, named "20200306200006" for every new backup.
Hmm.. Still trying to figure out how XSIBackup uses snapshots.. Am I right in assuming that if I leave out "backup-prog" entirely, then it uses the built in VMWare tools? I was under the impression that it would strip all snapshots when doing so? It does not appear to do that now though? Ie in the log:
2020-03-07T21:27:27| Removing snapshots, please wait...
But when I check the VM, snapshots are still there?
Anyway. Server is upgraded now so I can delete that snapshot. Should I also delete the snapshot OneDiff created, before changing my backup-prog back from none to OneDiff?
[quote=AndersG]OK. When I do so, it does not remove the "xsibackupdiff 1" snapshot. Is that to be expected? Should I leave it there or remove all snapshots before I turn back to OneDiff after the upgrade?[/quote]
It does not remove ANY snapshot. If you have some previous "xsibackupdiff" snapshots that you don't want, remove them.
[quote=AndersG]Also, with XSitools it now creates a full backup in a new folder, named "20200306200006" for every new backup.[/quote]
XSITools is a block deduplication engine: