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#1 2020-02-16 18:20:55

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

(c)XSIBackup-DC performance due to job temp files location

This isn't really a bug, it is worth mentioning here though. We moved all temporary files to the installation root folder some time ago. This is convenient, as it ensures that enough spece will be allocated to host these files, even for huge VMs. Nonetheless there exists a drawback that we can't ignore and it is that global performance dropped as a result of that.

If you installed [b](c)XSIBackup-DC[/b] to an SSD or you backup over a WAN you won't notice this so much, but people installing to a [b]HD[/b] and moving data in a LAN or between local datastores will notice a severe drop in performance.

We will address this in next main release so that performance of DC returns to be what it was in previous releases.


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