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I just updated XSIBackup-Pro from 11.2.10 to 11.2.15
the license.key file is copied to the new directory (from "/vmfs/volumes/hgst/xsi-dir" to "/vmfs/volumes/hgst/XSIBackup-Pro")
I receied the following error code after first Backup with unsing xsitools (compression enabled)
ERROR CLRSYNC1, details: [WSE2016] error: rsync error, details: [31m(c) XSIDiff not licensed (20.00 GB limit) [0m
I submitted a new request.key and copied the new license.key in the new sxi-backup directory ("/vmfs/volumes/hgst/XSIBackup-Pro")
and I still receive the above error code.
With Version 11.2.10 I had no errors
[32m(c) XSIDiff licensed:
[0mA full file copy will be performed, no meta-data available
What can I do?
You will need to renew your keys to use 11.2.15 and above. Just contact support to allow your keys to be regenerated.