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Using XSIBackup-PRO 11.2.8
vmware -v
VMware ESXi 6.0.0 build-2809209
/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup --backup-prog=xsitools:z --check-repo=yes --backup-point="/vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local" --backup-type="custom" --backup-vms="Abso_XSIBAK" --override=xsibakfilter
Some excerpts from the output:
Backup program is: xsitools
--backup-point created at /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local (filesystem: VMFS-5)
WARNING: the </vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local> dir is not an XSITOOLS repo, it will be initialized
VMs to backup:
6 Abso_XSIBAK [datastore1] Abso/Abso.vmx windows7Server64Guest vmx-11
Calculating sizes...
Needed room: 71 Gb.
Sparse size: 278 Gb.
Available room: 285 Gb.
[Abso_XSIBAK] Starting backup (size is 73540M on 284706M file)
XSIBackup will backup your VMs while they are running, so that users can continue to use the VM
while the backup is taking place. You can also run --backup-how=cold|warm
Hot backup selected for VM: [Abso_XSIBAK], the VM is off though
[Abso_XSIBAK] info: boot partition is MBR
[Abso_XSIBAK] info: Win64 OS (windows7Server64) detected on MBR, applying Windows algorithm
Removing snapshots, please wait...
Syncronizing config files
Backing up virtual disks...
(c) XSIDiff licensed:
A full file copy will be performed, no meta-data available
Reading from file /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Abso/Abso.vmdk
Writing to file /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local/20190814123307/Abso_XSIBAK/Abso.vmdk
Set input file offset to 0 bytes
100.00% done
Time taken: 1 seconds
Speed 1.00 mb/s
Overall speed 0.00 mb/s
Blocksize is 52428800 bytes
Compression has been set
Backing up via XSITools
File name: Abso-flat.vmdk, File size: 191158550528
Block size: 52428800, Block count: 3647
Disk usage: 74902929408
3647/3647 blocks | Processed 100%
Previous block count: 0
Current block count: 1476
Time taken: 2832 seconds
Avg speed: 64 mb/s
(c) XSIDiff licensed:
A full file copy will be performed, no meta-data available
Reading from file /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Abso/Abso_1.vmdk
Writing to file /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local/20190814123307/Abso_XSIBAK/Abso_1.vmdk
Set input file offset to 0 bytes
100.00% done
Time taken: 1 seconds
Speed 1.00 mb/s
Overall speed 0.00 mb/s
Blocksize is 52428800 bytes
Compression has been set
Backing up via XSITools
File name: Abso_1-flat.vmdk, File size: 107377328128
Block size: 52428800, Block count: 2049
Disk usage: 2209349632
2049/2049 blocks | Processed 100%
Previous block count: 1476
Current block count: 1550
Time taken: 311 seconds
Avg speed: 329 mb/s
</vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local/20190814123307/Abso_XSIBAK> is an (c)XSITools repo VM directory
Checking XSITools Repo:
XSIBackup will only check the VM folder: /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local/20190814123307/Abso_XSIBAK
This are the deduplicated data files to check:
1551/1551 blocks | Processed 100%
1 bad blocks detected
Block 49886561f8e26ed5e2ae549897a28aaab44881bd is missing
The ESXi configuration was saved to "/vmfs/volumes/datastore2/xsitools-repo-local/20190814123307"
Errors detected in backup, check logs
The error "Block ... is missing" appears every time I try to backup VM with XSITools.
Also note that disk space has [i]not[/i] decreased by 71 GB, as one might expect.
What am I doing wrong?
I am having the same issue with the missing Block. I am running on 11.2.7 and I tried to perform Hot and Warm Backup. It is still the same behaviour :-/
1 bad blocks detected
Block 49886561f8e26ed5e2ae549897a28aaab44881bd is missing
Any Ideas or news at this issue?
We'll check that, it could be a bug. Nevertheless that is the SHA1 hash of a 50M block of zeros. So XSIBackup will rebuild the VM without issue.
dd if=/dev/zero bs=$(( 1024*1024 )) count=50 2>/dev/null | openssl sha1
[quote=admin]So XSIBackup will rebuild the VM without issue.[/quote]
Unfortunately, this is not the case. Restoring from a backup repo fails as well.
Let me remind that it seems XSITools does not write [i]full[/i] copy to the repo at all (while creating the repo).
We have been able to reproduce the error when checking individual map files. This is a bug only since zero blocks should not be checked, we'll fix it in next release.
Hebasto, it seems to be indeed copying every block to the repo.
Please especify what you mean by "Restoring from a backup repo fails as well"
Post the log from the restore or contact support, plain comments are not of great help.
Blocksize is 52428800 bytes
Compression has been set
Backing up via XSITools
File name: Abso_1-flat.vmdk, File size: 107377328128
Block size: 52428800, Block count: 2049
Disk usage: 2209349632
2049/2049 blocks | Processed 100%
Previous block count: 1476
Current block count: 1550
Time taken: 311 seconds
Avg speed: 329 mb/s
The exact cause of this bug is that the function [b]getSha1Zero[/b] at around line 50 in the src/xsitools module is returning an empty string in some circumstances, still determining...
Thus, although the check of the SHA1 50M zero block (49886561f8e26ed5e2ae549897a28aaab44881bd) should be skipped, as zeros are not saved, it's existence is still being checked, returning the missing block information.
This is not a real problem, apart from the inconvenience of the wrong error itself.
Hebasto, if you can't restore backups contact support, yours is a different issue.
This issue has been solved today, version 11.2.9 is already available to all Pro users. If you don't want to update everything, you may just overwrite the src/xsitools file to fix it. You may want to overwrite the src/version file to to update the version number.
[quote=admin]This issue has been solved today, version 11.2.9 is already available to all Pro users.[/quote]
It works with empty blocks as expected. Thanks.
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