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#1 2018-11-11 23:20:50

Registered: 2018-11-11
Posts: 1

Failed Borg Backup

I've set up Borg on a Synology NAS and it appears to be working fine.  A possible reason it is failing is that I have Borg 1.1.5 installed and XSIBackup indicates it is compatible with version 1.1.1.  My version of Borg is from the SynoCommunity and is installed from the GUI.  I would have to see if I can down-rev to 1.1.1, but I would at least ask before I start tinkering.

Backups from XSIBackup produces the following output (truncated with just relevant info):

[Test] Starting Borg backup
Queued: /tmp/Test.vmx ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0K
Queued: /tmp/Test.vmsd --------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Queued: /tmp/Test.nvram -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.5K
Queued: /vmfs/volumes/rackstation/Test/Test-Snapshot2.vmsn --------------------------------- 19.7K
Queued: /vmfs/volumes/rackstation/Test/Test.vmdk ------------------------------------------- 470
Queued: /vmfs/volumes/rackstation/Test/Test-flat.vmdk -------------------------------------- 40.0G
Examining borg repo [/volume1/Borg/backups]...
Adding queued files to Borg repo [/volume1/Borg/backups]:
FIPS mode initialized
sh: borg: command not found
524KiB 0:00:00 [1.21MiB/s] [>                                 ]  0%
Files total (bytes): 42949705437
Packed size (bytes): FIPS mode initialized
sh: borg: command not found
(*) It is normal that the packed size is slightly bigger than the sum of the files
  File "<string>", line 1
    if FIPS mode initialized
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[Test] error: /volume1/Borg/backups::1541977661 - IBCA-ESXi.IBCA.Com - Test :::  repository integrity check failed
[Test] error details:
FIPS mode initialized
sh: borg: command not found
The ESXi configuration was saved to ""
Errors detected in backup, check logs
Backup finished


#2 2018-11-13 16:01:03

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Failed Borg Backup

We started offering very basic Borg compatibility while we developed our own propietary deduplication system [b](c)XSITools[/b], which has been designed from scratch to deduplicate VMs and since v. 11.1.4 is capable of deduplicating over IP to any file system accessible over SSH.

When we say "very basic" we mean that all virtual disk data is sent tarred (.tar packaged) -as is- from the ESXi server to the Borg host, as there's no possibility to run Borg directly in the ESXi context.

On the other side, being Borg a general purpose tool, it uses a small block size that ends up clogging the Borg server after some hundreds of gigabytes have been added. If you have a powerful Borg server, you may be able to handle some terabytes of data, but the increase in hunger for resources is unavoidable.

In any case, your problem consists in Borg binary not being present in the path of the remote Borg system.

sh: borg: command not found

Which does not mean that you won't hit some other further problem if using Borg 1.1.5, anyhow by now your issue is just that.


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