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Hi team,
Excellent product of yours.
I've been using the XSIBackup to sucessfully backup from datastore to datastore.
The issue surfaces when I try to backup to a remote server. (source, destination
The copy is generated in the destination, but I receive the following report by mail.
Fri Jul 13 22:00:28 UTC 2018
IP v4:
VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-8169922
Done hot backup (id: unknown) using rsync (no compression)
Mirroring following VMs to
VM Name State Size (Gb) Stop Copy Start Time (min) Speed (mb/s)
dcserver ON 400/ 400 NO (hot backup) KO! - 221 30/ 30
Last notice raised for the above VM:
ERROR CLNUPVMX details: [dcserver] error: cannot update VMX file details: FIPS mode initialized
Complete backup elapsed time: 221 min
Backup of ESXi configuration is not available in XSIBACKUP-FREE
I use the following command line in the cron utility of xsibackup to launch the backup
"/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup" --time="Mon 22:00|Tue 22:00|Wed 22:00|Thu 22:00|Fri 22:00" --backup-point="" --backup-prog=rsync --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="dcserver", --smtp-port=465 --smtp-auth=yes --smtp-sec=TLS --smtp-pwd=xxxxxxxx
Since I couldn't find anything on the net about this error message, I contact you in the search of throwing some light on the subject
I hope this information I gave you is sufficient, otherwise, just let me know what extra evidence I can provide in order to help your understanding.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kindest regards,
Diego H. Fraser
That error is thrown by lastest versions of OpenSSL distributed with ESXi 6.7. It is totally unnecessary, but somebody decided OpenSSL to throw that excruciating verbosity.
XSIBackup-Free does not handle that, so you have different options:
- Use some previous version of ESXi
- Backup to datastore.
- Buy XSIBackup-Pro
Thanks admin for your prompt reply.
So considering your previous comment, there are two questions that I have to ask:
1) Should I disregard this kind of messages and assume that the backup was performed ok? As far as I tested the backuped VMs started flawlessly..
2) Can you ensure me that if I buy the XSIBackup-Pro version I will get rid off these annoying issue?
Thanks again for your time
Kind regards,
Diego H. Fraser
1/ That is an informational message, so as long as it's not causing some nested errors (additional errors on the report), the backup should be fine.
2/ Yes, we already addressed that issue on the Pro version. You have some additional -must have- features created to compare backup files by means of their SHA1 checksums.