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#1 2018-08-12 23:16:43

Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 2

ERROR CLNUPVMX error. Cannot find anything on Google :(

Hi team,

Excellent product of yours.

I've been using the XSIBackup to sucessfully backup from datastore to datastore.

The issue surfaces when I try to backup to a remote server. (source, destination

The copy is generated in the destination, but I receive the following report by mail.

Fri Jul 13 22:00:28 UTC 2018
IP v4:
VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-8169922

Done hot backup (id: unknown) using rsync (no compression)
Mirroring following VMs to
VM Name    State    Size (Gb)    Stop    Copy    Start    Time (min)    Speed (mb/s)
dcserver    ON    400/ 400    NO (hot backup)    KO!    -    221    30/ 30
Last notice raised for the above VM:
ERROR CLNUPVMX details: [dcserver] error: cannot update VMX file details: FIPS mode initialized
Complete backup elapsed time: 221 min
Backup of ESXi configuration is not available in XSIBACKUP-FREE

I use the following command line in the cron utility of xsibackup to launch the backup

"/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup" --time="Mon 22:00|Tue 22:00|Wed 22:00|Thu 22:00|Fri 22:00" --backup-point="" --backup-prog=rsync --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="dcserver" --mail-from=blablabla@gmail.com --mail-to=blablabla@gmail.com,dfraser@mycompanyinfo.com --smtp-srv=smtp.gmail.com --smtp-port=465 --smtp-auth=yes --smtp-sec=TLS --smtp-usr=blablabla@gmail.com --smtp-pwd=xxxxxxxx

Since I couldn't find anything on the net about this error message, I contact you in the search of throwing some light on the subject

I hope this information I gave you is sufficient, otherwise, just let me know what extra evidence I can provide in order to help your understanding.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kindest regards,

Diego H. Fraser


#2 2018-08-13 10:19:51

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,057

Re: ERROR CLNUPVMX error. Cannot find anything on Google :(

That error is thrown by lastest versions of OpenSSL distributed with ESXi 6.7. It is totally unnecessary, but somebody decided OpenSSL to throw that excruciating verbosity.

XSIBackup-Free does not handle that, so you have different options:

- Use some previous version of ESXi
- Backup to datastore.
- Buy XSIBackup-Pro


#3 2018-08-13 14:07:11

Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 2

Re: ERROR CLNUPVMX error. Cannot find anything on Google :(

Thanks admin for your prompt reply.

So considering your previous comment, there are two questions that I have to ask:

1) Should I disregard this kind of messages and assume that the backup was performed ok? As far as I tested the backuped VMs started flawlessly..
2) Can you ensure me that if I buy the XSIBackup-Pro version I will get rid off these annoying issue?

Thanks again for your time

Kind regards,

Diego H. Fraser


#4 2018-08-13 14:29:54

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,057

Re: ERROR CLNUPVMX error. Cannot find anything on Google :(

1/ That is an informational message, so as long as it's not causing some nested errors (additional errors on the report), the backup should be fine.
2/ Yes, we already addressed that issue on the Pro version. You have some additional -must have- features created to compare backup files by means of their SHA1 checksums.


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