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I am attempting a restore from one esxi to another.
When I enter the following backup command on the esxi I want to restore to, I get an error in the output about not being a local folder, but it is?
hk-esxi-01:# /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup --restore-vms=
# (c) XSIBACKUP-PRO 10.2.7 | Backup for (c) VMWARE ESXi Hypervisor by
Detected OpenSSH server at and folder at "/vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7"
Checking the type of backup...
ls: /vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7/config: No such file or directory
The remote folder "/vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7" at seems to contain a VM
Where do you want that backup to be restored to?: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/
That is not a local folder
Thank You.
We checked the code and there isn't any bug, we actually remove the last forwardslash in case you add it.
The check that your path is not passing is this:
if [ ! -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1 ];then echo "Not a directory";else echo "Path is a directory";fi
Execute the above piece of code to see what's going on.
There is a remote possibility that the shell expansion is not removing the last forward slash, so remove it first, just in case.
Thank You . I executed the code. Here is the output.
[root@hk-esxi-01:~] if [ ! -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1 ];then echo "Not a direct
ory";else echo "Path is a directory";fi
Path is a directory
I'm not sure where, why or how the remote path is appended with /config in the line
'ls: /vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7/config: No such file or directory'
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks again for your help.
Our excuses Jay, you should replace the path "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1", which is just an example, with yours.
I see the problem is you are getting the string config appended to your path.
In the end this is most probably a bug.
Locate this string at aproximately line 253 in the src/pro/restore module (first occurrence of the [b]BTYPE[/b] keyword)
BTYPE=$(eval ssh "$SSHOPTS" -p "$srv2" ${defremusr}@"$srv1" "ls \"${srv3// /\ }\"/config 2>/dev/null \&\& cat ${srv3// /\ }/config 2>/dev/null | grep segments_per_dir | wc -l")
Do make sure that you have the string [b]2>/dev/null[/b] right behind
, if not add it.
Please note there are two occurences for that [b]/config[/b] string, so make sure the [b]2>/dev/null[/b] code is in each one of those two places.
We fixed this bug some time ago, but you might have an old file.
Your comment about slashes prompted me to test the command adding a / at the end.
Now I don't receive the bad path message, but it's KILLED after rsync error.
Here is the output:
root@hk-esxi-01:~] /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/xsibackup --restore-vms=21
# (c) XSIBACKUP-PRO 10.2.7 | Backup for (c) VMWARE ESXi Hypervisor by
Detected OpenSSH server at and folder at "/vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7/"
Checking the type of backup...
ls: /vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7//config: No such file or directory
The remote folder "/vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7/" at seems to contain a VM
Where do you want that backup to be restored to?: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/
Source: "/vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/il-build7/"
Target: "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1"
sh: /vmfs/volumes/Edial_2/backup_il-esxi-01/bin/xsibackup-rsync: not found
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.0]
Read the answer above, we updated information while you were answering.
If the problem persists, just contact support and we'll delve into the problem.
It's nevertheless something about that bug above.
The restore path /vmfs/volumes/datastore1, does exist on my esxi box where I am launching the command.
It contains 2 other VMs, and I am trying to get the remote backup VM il-build7 restored to that path.
[root@hk-esxi-01:~] cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1
[root@hk-esxi-01:/vmfs/volumes/5890ad3b-b6b9fa80-a225-941882798de8] ls -lrt
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1400 Feb 1 22:50 backups_ilesxi01
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 700 Feb 2 14:49 ISOs
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2940 Feb 22 19:23 Yellow-01
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2940 Feb 22 19:24 Yellow-03
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1960 May 24 14:47 xsi-dir
[root@hk-esxi-01:/vmfs/volumes/5890ad3b-b6b9fa80-a225-941882798de8] pwd
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