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Version 10.3.4, seems that cron launched backup, even if not executed due to time schedule not matched, deletes the .ERR file of an interactive user launched backup
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How come a job that wasn't launched delete a file?
xsibackup-cron file has several jobs scheduled in the night, the system cron launch it every minute, right?
When in the mornig I launch manually a job, the xsibackup launched from cron deletes the the .ERR file of the current interactive backup, to prove it i modified xsibackup adding the launch type in the .ERR file name (user, cron), the the file is not deleted sue to the different launch type and the errors found during that backup are correctly sent by email.
Dont'know if it can be the correct solution...
You should not run an interactive job while a scheduled job is running. XSIBackup is not designed to cope with that situation and the behaviour you describe is normal. Each job creates a unique .ERR file.
There's no scheduled job, the xsibackup instance that deletes the .ERR log files is launched from the scheduled system crontab, and also if it 's not time to fire the backup, the .ERR files are unconditionally deleted! You moved the "create_errfile" call in the wrong position in the latest version (10.3.4 PRO)
We have not designed our software to run multiple instances at the same time for very good reasons.
If you believe you can overcome those reasons, you are free to tweak the code to your needs.
Pages: 1