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i get always a success Mail.
But here (log) I should have gotten an error message, dont I?
Well, despite this log/case I get success Mails even if copy=KO! Is this normal?
And i dont know if the "ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []" errors are OK.
The Backup is OK most of the time.
But i have to check every email because of the allwys success thing.
Please tell me what i am doing wrong?
2018-03-24T08:18:24| [Zarafa] info: file [Zarafa-flat.vmdk]...
2018-03-24T08:18:25| [Zarafa] info: file size check | OK [ 171798691840B | 171798691840B ]
2018-03-24T08:18:25| [Zarafa] info: comparing first 500M of [Zarafa-flat.vmdk]...
2018-03-24T08:18:34| [Zarafa] info: (source) first 500M hash is: 0f1e0ac7ff7c38cb1a59ec6fdb543bcce0d33df2
2018-03-24T08:18:34| [Zarafa] info: (target) first 500M hash is: 85587e5900d2dc11a730d0f712a0180832b38014
2018-03-24T08:18:34| [Zarafa] error DIFQMSH4: first 500M mistmatch...
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
2018-03-24T08:18:35| [Zarafa] measure DIFRMVMX: took measure, renamed remote .vmx file to reinitialize OneDiff
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
2018-03-24T08:18:46| No errors detected in backup
I came here for this question, too. I have the exact same problem. Sometimes everything is ok, then sometimes it's not. The email subject line has "no errors detected" even if the email body lists errors and the KO! message.
2018-03-26T22:24:02| [p--backuppc01] info: comparing first 500M of [p-backuppc01-flat.vmdk]...
2018-03-26T22:24:11| [p--backuppc01] error DIFQMSH3: first 500M mistmatch...
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
2018-03-26T22:24:11| [p-backuppc01] measure DIFRMVMX: took measure deleted remote .vmx file to reinitialize OneDiff
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
2018-03-26T22:24:23| -e
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
2018-03-26T22:24:23| No errors detected in backup
This could be a bug. We'll check it out and eventually open a post at the [b][url=]XSIBackup bug tracker[/url][/b]
UPDATE 2018-03-27 18:00 UTC:
We have performed some tests from ESXi 5.5.0 to 6.5.0 so far. No trace of bugs, when the checksums don't match the error is correctly recorded and informed. We'll continue to make tests.
Both of you suffer from the same error. The .ERR-XXXX... file is not present, this can only mean it was deleted by other process, or that XSIBackup was not able to create it. Which user are you running the XSIBackup process under?, do you have some other prvious error in the log?
Hello, thanks for looking in to this question.
I am running xsibackup as root.
As for previous errors in the log, this might be more informative:
[p-backuppc01] info: transfering snapshot file [p-backuppc01-000001-delta.vmdk]
2018-03-27T03:01:12| ESC[0;31mTransfer errors: /vmfs/volumes/577c011c-fd1d603b-949e-0024e86bf98c/xsi-dir/xsibackup: line 1: /vmfs/volumes/577c011c-fd1d603b-949e-0024e86bf98c/xsi-dir/bin/xsibackup-rsync: Permission deniedESC[0m
ERROR: cannot locate .ERR file at []
I just went to look at the file listed in the error message (bin/xsibackup-rsync). I checked it in three different ESXi hosts, and each had a slightly different set of files and permissions, so maybe something is slightly broken there (?).
Server 1:
-rwx------ 1 root root 47064 Oct 24 22:57 dd
-rwx------ 1 root root 59271 Oct 24 22:57 pv
-rwx------ 1 root root 1195825 Oct 24 22:57 xsibackup-rsync
-rwx------ 1 root root 1708430 Oct 24 22:57 xsidiff
Server 2:
-rwx------ 1 root root 47064 Feb 14 17:38 dd
-rwx------ 1 root root 59271 Feb 14 17:38 pv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 82 Mar 27 08:15 pv___hash
-rwx------ 1 root root 1195825 Feb 14 17:38 xsibackup-rsync
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 82 Mar 27 08:15 xsibackup-rsync___hash
Server 3:
-rwx------ 1 root root 59271 Oct 27 22:56 pv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1195825 Aug 30 2017 xsibackup-rsync
-rwx------ 1 root root 1708430 Oct 27 22:56 xsidiff
Server 3 is the one that seems to give me trouble--sometimes. I manually ran it earlier with no problems, but again just now with a failure:
[p-backuppc01] info: transfering snapshot file [p-backuppc01-000001-delta.vmdk]
Transfer errors: ./xsibackup: line 1: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/xsi-dir/bin/xsibackup-rsync: Permission denied
Well, you have some permissions errors as you say. When you install xsibackup with the install script, it sets permissions automatically. If you install manually, you just have to run this one-liner:
chmod -R xsibackup bin
This is stated in the README.txt file.
At Server 3 you are missing execute permissions for the xsibackup-rsync binary, start by fixing that and let's see what happens, cause it's not reason enough for the .ERR-XXX... file not to have the right permissions either.
Ok I have fixed the execute permissions. It ran manually fine, so I'll see how it goes over the next few days on xsibackup-cron.
There is still the other question about the status emails. The subject line is:
subject: ✔ XSIBACKUP no errors detected in backup job | ESXi Backup Report.
The body is:
Done hot backup (id: unknown) using onediff (no compression)
Available room in device /vmfs/volumes/VM_Backups_d-nas02/xsi-backup before backup: 3919 Gb.
Sparse size on disk of the selected virtual machines: 934 Gb.
Needed room in device /vmfs/volumes/VM_Backups_d-nas02/xsi-backup for backup: 934 Gb.
VM Name State Size (Gb) Stop Copy Start Time (min) Speed (mb/s)
p-dns02 ON 16/ 16 NO (hot backup) KO! - 0 341/ 341
Last notice raised for the above VM:
[ ] ERROR DIFQMSH3 details: [p-san-dns02] error: first 500M mistmatch [p-dns02-flat.vmdk]
p-util04 ON 721/ 721 NO (hot backup) KO! - 7 1656/ 1656
Last notice raised for the above VM:
[ ] ERROR DIFQMSH3 details: [p-san-util04] error: first 500M mistmatch [p-util04_3-flat.vmdk]
p-shadowctrl ON 16/ 16 NO (hot backup) KO! - 1 184/ 184
Last notice raised for the above VM:
[ ] ERROR DIFQMSH3 details: [p-san-shadowctrl] error: first 500M mistmatch [p-shadowctrl-flat.vmdk]
prtg01 ON 180/ 180 NO (hot backup) KO! - 3 919/ 919
Last notice raised for the above VM:
[ ] ERROR DIFQMSH3 details: [prtg01] error: first 500M mistmatch [san-prtg01-flat.vmdk]
Available space in device /vmfs/volumes/VM_Backups_d-nas02/xsi-backup after backup: 3919 Gb.
Complete backup elapsed time: 13 min
Same as before. Look for previous errors. The name of the VM should be between the first brackets, but it's printing empty.
On top of that, the syntax of the error is:
[VM_NAME] error DIFQMSH3: data size mistmatch:
But yours is different. What version are you using?
There's not header, so we don't know.
This is specialized support, please contact us to fix your issue, I don't think It will help others.