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#1 2018-01-08 12:54:27

Registered: 2018-01-08
Posts: 3

Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key


We just started using xsibackup-pro, but have issues with the size limitations still there after activation. We have used the request.key to get a license.key and uploaded license.key to the xsi dir. The logs shows XSIDiff 1.0.5 licensed as well.

2018-01-05T20:02:17|  Info: transfering file [ /vmfs/volumes/5a33de03-789b222b-fa1d-78e7d18d8d88/vmname/vmname-flat.vmdk ]
2018-01-05T20:02:17|  Info: first Rsync transfer is assumed by XSIDiff, as it is faster and will preserve VMFS data sparseness
XSIDiff 1.0.5 licensed:
File#1 size 107374182400 bytes
*** This is a trial version limited to 10485760000 bytes, parsing 107374182400 ***

This is the command being run from xsibackup-cron:
"/vmfs/volumes/datastore/xsi-dir/xsibackup" --time="Fri 20:00" --backup-point="x.x.x.x:22:/vmfs/volumes/datastore/backup" --backup-type=custom --backup-vms="vmname" --host=x.x.x.x --backup-prog=rsync:z --date-dir=yes --smtp-auth=none --mail-from=servername@domain.com --mail-to=mail@company.com --smtp-srv=x.x.x.x --smtp-port=25 --smtp-usr=any --smtp-pwd=any

Some additional information:
Srv1: runs VM's, have xsibackup-pro installed and licensed
Srv2: have xsibackup-pro installed and licensed. xsibackup-cron runs from this host, but connects to srv1 to run the above command.

How do we get rid of the size limitations?


#2 2018-01-08 14:41:06

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

First is first. Your installation is not detecting the license.key file. Have you renamed it to [b]license.key[/b] and placed it in the xsi-dir?


#3 2018-01-08 15:01:02

Registered: 2018-01-08
Posts: 3

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

Yes, it has been renamed to license.key and placed in the xsi-dir.

In the output from the log it also says: "XSIDiff 1.0.5 licensed:" - doesnt that mean it detects it?


#4 2018-01-08 15:55:56

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

The license key should appear after the colon, i.e.:

(c) XSIDiff licensed: 000379C40000000000000000001517bcdfdc

Your XSIDiff is a bit old, it contained a bug that could cause this effect if you have more than one NIC in your system, which is even more frequent than a single NIC. Not all systems were affected, but your issue seems to be exactly that.

Keep your [b]request.key[/b] and [b]license.key[/b] files (they will still be valid) and upgrade to latest XSIBACKUP-PRO version. If you are running a 24x7 server and cannot afford to reboot the ESXi host, which is required, you can also just update the src/xsidiff file with the newer version.


#5 2018-01-09 12:57:42

Registered: 2018-01-08
Posts: 3

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

I have upgraded to the latest XSIBACKUP-PRO version on Srv2, and by the looks of it, when it connected to Srv1 to run the command, it updated the files on Srv1 too, however I cannot restart Srv1. To me it just looks like a replacement of files, is a reboot really necessary?

It shows XSIBACKUP-PRO version 10.2.1 in the log now, but unfortunately the problem remains.

Thanks for the help so far smile


#6 2018-01-09 13:47:47

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

Contact support and we'll connect to your system to correct the issue if needed.


#7 2018-01-23 11:44:20

Registered: 2018-01-23
Posts: 1

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

I have the same error on my server, and I have xsidiff version


#8 2018-01-24 21:05:57

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,072

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

Most issues with (c) XSIDiff licensing have to do with uploading the wrong license key file. Some tips: when you generate the license in the user zone, the file name contains your first NIC mac address (tipically vmk0), that way you can identify which key corresponds to which server.

You can get a list of your hosts NICs and their corresponding MAC addresses with the command below:

esxcfg-nics -l


#9 2018-03-13 17:15:13

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 4

Re: Size limitations still apply after activating with license.key

How do I get a Licence key using vmnic1 ( second interface)

I am using vmnic0 for hardened external links and vmnic1 with local lan private addressing for admin/backup etc


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