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I have set XSIBackup on a new VMWare and tried running its first Backup Job, but the following errors occur
when starting the Job:
2023-04-20T12:27:39 | Error code 4503 at file common.c, line 4503 | Error description:
no .blocklog file at '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups/data/.blocklog'
run ./xsibackup --repair '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups'
2023-04-20T12:27:41 | Error code 4559 at file common.c, line 4559 | Error description: no local '/vmfs/volumes/datastore/XSIBackup-DC/tmp/xsi-root/2702062/.blocklog' file after 30s timeout
2023-04-20T12:28:16 | Error code 4503 at file common.c, line 4503 | Error description:
no .blocklog file at '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups/data/.blocklog'
run ./xsibackup --repair '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups'
2023-04-20T12:28:19 | Error code 4559 at file common.c, line 4559 | Error description: no local '/vmfs/volumes/datastore/XSIBackup-DC/tmp/xsi-root/2702454/.blocklog' file after 30s timeout
2023-04-20T12:47:07 | Error code 4503 at file common.c, line 4503 | Error description:
no .blocklog file at '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups/data/.blocklog'
run ./xsibackup --repair '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups'
2023-04-20T12:47:09 | Error code 4559 at file common.c, line 4559 | Error description: no local '/vmfs/volumes/datastore/XSIBackup-DC/tmp/xsi-root/2706562/.blocklog' file after 30s timeout
2023-04-20T12:48:00 | Error code 4628 at file common.c, line 4628 | Error description: could not find .blocklog_dis file, is_first_backup(0)
2023-04-20T12:48:00 | Error code 3711 at file xsibackup.c, line 3711 | Error description: something went wrong grabbing .blocklog data
2023-04-20T12:57:13 | Error code 4628 at file common.c, line 4628 | Error description: could not find .blocklog_dis file, is_first_backup(0)
2023-04-20T12:57:13 | Error code 3711 at file xsibackup.c, line 3711 | Error description: something went wrong grabbing .blocklog data
2023-04-20T12:59:05 | Error code 4628 at file common.c, line 4628 | Error description: could not find .blocklog_dis file, is_first_backup(0)
2023-04-20T12:59:05 | Error code 3711 at file xsibackup.c, line 3711 | Error description: something went wrong grabbing .blocklog data
2023-04-20T13:28:09 | Error code 4628 at file common.c, line 4628 | Error description: could not find .blocklog_dis file, is_first_backup(0)
I have already tried the repair command multiple times to no success.
Im not sure if its related, but I failed the first repair by forgetting a ' at the end of the command and not found myself not being able to cancel the process.
After starting a new SSH session, I couldn't find any running XSIBackup processes using the ps and esxcli system process list command.
Any help would be kindly appreciated.
Please, provide the FULL backup command and the FULL output. There is vital information in both to help us at the time to offer you some feedback.
If you omit the job, we don't know what you are trying to accomplish or how.
If you omit the output, we know nothing about your environment: XSIBackup and ESXi versions, local and remote file systems, previous errors, VM names, paths, etc..., etc...
Thank you for your Answer.
The XSIBackup Version is XSIBackup-DC (Licensed) and ESXI is 7.0 U3.
The Backup was made with the GUI. The Job file contains the following commands:
/vmfs/volumes/63e642dd-d6938d48-cf80-0cc47a687256/XSIBackup-DC/xsibackup \
--backup \
"VMs(VM1,VM2,VM3,VM4,VM5)" \
"/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups" \
--backup-how="hot" \
>> /vmfs/volumes/63e642dd-d6938d48-cf80-0cc47a687256/XSIBackup-DC/var/log/xsibackup.log 2>&1
The VM Names above are changed. (I had changed the long Path name to VMware01 last time for easier readability, i'll leave that as is now.).
The Backuppath is a Backup folder in our NAS Server. It is mounted via NFS 4.
This was recorded in the log file after my last attempt:
[90m|||[0m[1m (c)XSIBackup-DC Backup & Replication Software [0m [90m|||[0m
[90m|||[0m[1m (c)33HOPS, Sistemas de Informacion y Redes, S.L. | All Rights Reserved[0m [90m|||[0m
(c)Daniel J. Garcia Fidalgo |
System Information: ESXi, Kernel 7 Major 0 Minor 3 Patch 0
Shell binary pool memory size: 2048 MB
Shell memory pool size was set to 2048 MB by default
Total available memory: 250599 MB (~1GB is always kept as a security margin)
License: [1m000306F200000000000000000cc47a687256[0m | (c)XSIBackup-DC
PID: 2708740, Running job as: [1mroot[0m
LZJB compression has been enabled
Block size is 1.00 MB (1048576 bytes)
Performing --backup action
Backup folder '/vmfs/volumes/VMWare01/Backups/20230420132808'
Obtaining .blocklog data from backup repo...
2023-04-20T13:28:09 | Error code 4628 at file common.c, line 4628 | Error description: could not find .blocklog_dis file, is_first_backup(0)
2023-04-20T13:28:09 | Error code 3711 at file xsibackup.c, line 3711 | Error description: something went wrong grabbing .blocklog data
Removed host <tmp> dir [32mOK[0m
Removed prog <tmp> dir [32mOK[0m
There is some problem with that NFS4 mount.
In branch 6 there use to exist multiple problems around NFS4, in your case it's probably not well mounted, maybe some permission issue or bad configuration parameter.
In any case we would plainly remove the NFS4 volume and reconnect using NFS3. NFS4 (wich includes multipathing) is great to host VMs, in case you are forced somehow to use NFS, cause VMFS is way, way better for the task. NFS4 is totally useless at the time to use one of this volumes to store backups though.
You can't take advantage of multipathing when transferring huge -flat.vmdk files because one single file will never be split across multiple NICs.
Thank you for your Answer.
I have tried running the backup again with the NFS 3 Mount, but I still got the same error.
I also tried the Backup on a local datastore drive, which worked fine. --repair doesn't seem to fix this issue.
Download the latest available version and make sure the NFS mount is functional. Take on account that mounting an NFS share over the Internet or a WAN may not be feasible depending on the effective latency.
You can also backup/replicate over IP instead of mounting the remote server.
./xsibackup --add-key root@a.b.c.d:22
./xsibackup --backup "VMs(YOUR-VM)" root@a.b.c.d:22:/home/backup/your-repo
Pages: 1