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my feature request:
Please include the following information in the default email subject:
- Host Name
- Backup Job ID
- VMs / ALL
Yes, I can set a specific subject with the --subject option, but then I will loose the information if there was an error or not.
Best regards
PS: The Email text includes the "Session ID" twice but not the job id
Well, the e-mail subject is limited in size. We have in our to do list adding some kind of job variables that you can use in your job: job Id, session Id, VM list, etc... Still, that should probably go in the e-mail body where there aren't so much constraints in size.
It's not only the the subject field is limited in size but that it might be truncated or modified by some software like e-mail filters.
The hard limit is 998 chars [url][/url] but yes it recommends to have only 78 chars.
Having these job variables would be a great thing :-)
You really already have them in the xsibackup.db file in the var/log/backupdb.log file. We call it the [url=]Operations Database Registry[/url].
As soon as the job ends a new entry is added to this file with all details on the backup.
We could autoreference this values in the job, in any case, any solution would need to be open, so that you can use this variables with any available protocol, not only SMTP.
Variables will be added to custom subjects in release
Pages: 1