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Pages: 1
Hello, how do DC handle multiple vm hard drives stored in different datastores? For classic I read that these must be moved to the same place to avoid naming issue. Is this matter handled differently on the newer version ?
All (c)XSIBackup-DC and (c)XSIBackup-Classic versions can handle disks transparently, no matter where they are stored in. There isn't any limitation in that regards. Disks will indeed be collected from wherever they are and placed in the same backup/ replica folder.
Nonetheless, we offer a fully featured trial version that you can fully try before buying.
[quote=admin]All (c)XSIBackup-DC and (c)XSIBackup-Classic versions can handle disks transparently, no matter where they are stored in. There isn't any limitation in that regards. Disks will indeed be collected from wherever they are and placed in the same backup/ replica folder.
Nonetheless, we offer a fully featured trial version that you can fully try before buying.[/quote]
Just wanted to know if these disks override each other, since they have same names. That happened to be the thing in the classic right?
Last edited by Marcin (2022-01-28 15:20:44)
Yes, disk names should be unique per VM. Just rename them.
Pages: 1