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I configured a backup of a VM with 2 virtuals disks and all was working ok, but from several weeks ago I'm getting the following error when backing up the second virtual disk:
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk '/vmfs/volumes/disk1/Windows2019/Windows2019_1.vmdk'...
Clone: 27% done.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-12-23T17:57:30| [SERVIDOR] CLVMKFS1 error: Failed to clone disk: Invalid argument (1441801).
The % at the fault usually goes from 20% to 27%.
I get the same error with the VM on or off
I haven't found information about "Failed to clone disk: Invalid argument (1441801)"
Any ideas will be very appreciate,
Thank you
Miquel Àngel Guerrero
You are not offering crucial details, such as the (c)ESXi version or wether you added some snapshot.
Nonetheless you will find some clues in [url=]this post[/url]:
Continuum's is probably the best advice you can get.