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When using XSIBackup-DC to back up a VM including the postfix _XSIREP in its name, like "server_XSIREP", the corresponding VM without the _XSIREP postfix, i.e. "server", was backed up instead. The following options were used:
--backup \
"VMs(server_XSIREP)" \
Then I repeated the test by adding another option:
--backup \
"VMs(server_XSIREP)" \
--options=O \
Again, the VM "server" was backed up, and not, as specified, server_XSIREP.
This seems to be a severe bug.
From another post I learned that XSIBackup-DC should correctly backup a _XSIREP VM when selecting the VM to be backed up via a VM selection mask. However, my scenario is different, as I do not use a selection mask for selecting the VMs to be backed up, but XSIBackup-DC in a script by specifying all options and parameters in text form. Consequently, I explicitly specify "server_XSIREP".
What should I debug, as specifying "server_XSIREP" as VM to be backed up with XSIBackuo-DC, either with or without --options=O, causes VM "server" to be backed up instead, while VM "server_XSIREP" remains untouched. This is weird. I have repeated this backup already three times, always the same negative result.