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#1 2021-11-27 12:08:20

From: Munich
Registered: 2019-07-08
Posts: 104

XSIBackup-DC Error code 216 at file signal.c, line 216


when executing XSIBackup-DC for a number VMs in one command with the options --replica=cbt --options=R --quiesce --config-backup --backup-how=hot , I received the following error message for the LAST ONE of the replicated VMs:

Error code 216 at file signal.c, line 216 | Error description: raised SIGTERM (11) (2) in job, total errors: 11, check error.log

Unfortunately, the error log only repeats the above error without giving any additional information beyond that already stated in the regular output of XSIBackup-DC:

2021-11-27T00:28:59 | Error code 216 at file signal.c, line 216 | Error description: raised SIGTERM (11) (2) in job, total errors: 11, check error.log

When having a look into the replicated directory, I can see that the files of the VM reporting the error have been replicated. However, I noticed that additional snapshot files (extension .vmsn) were present in the replicated directory from a previous replication. These superfluous files are not present in the original directory.

I have the impression that this error message is only a summary indicating the total amount of errors that occured in this backup session without representing an error by its own.

In any case, I wonder what the meaning of error code 216 is. Furthermore, I suggest to add some information to XSIBackup-DC so that it is clear what the meaning of this error is.

Best regards,


#2 2021-11-27 14:53:33

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 2,055

Re: XSIBackup-DC Error code 216 at file signal.c, line 216

Please provide the backup job and full output.
You have 11 errors, those are quite a few. You should have them before the last one.

As a rule of thumb prepend strace to any job to have a full detailed output at the system call level and check the remote error log at /var/log/xsi if backing up or replicating over IP.


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