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#1 Re: Repositories » --check clarifications » 2023-12-22 07:51:02


Thanks for the reply

What happens to me is that the 2 options (file and fast) do the same thing as the FULL option
They also fix several checksums....

Thank you

A courtesy: could you correct the login on the forum? My real email is too long (xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) and I need to use a different account

#2 Re: General matters » Warning: failed to update remote file 'xsibackup', is it open? » 2023-12-13 09:52:23


On all the backups that give this warning, I find "sesparse" files and then I have to manually perform disk consolidation

Thank you

#3 Repositories » --check clarifications » 2023-12-13 09:49:58

Replies: 2


Since yesterday I have been doing some tests with the "check" command on a small VM of those in production
The purpose is to check removable disks after copying backups from NAS

The backup I'm testing on was generated via "replication" and ran tonight

What happens is that:

1) there is a fix to the .vmdk file (around 30% of the check)
2) all 3 options ( file, fast and full ) perform the reconstruction of the file

I mounted the backup copy of the VM and it boots fine

I do the check from the Linux NAS server using commands (fast, file, full)

/home/root/.xsi/bin/xsibackup --check=fast /Backup/backup_esxi_no_rdx/1/esxi20/W10-VM_05/
/home/root/.xsi/bin/xsibackup --check=file /Backup/backup_esxi_no_rdx/1/esxi20/W10-VM_05/
/home/root/.xsi/bin/xsibackup --check=full /Backup/backup_esxi_no_rdx/1/esxi20/W10-VM_05/

The version is

/home/root/.xsi/bin/xsibackup --version

To be sure of point 2, I saved and restored the blocklog file that is regenerated and restored it before rerunning the "check"

cp W10-VM_05-flat.vmdk.blocklog.orig W10-VM_05-flat.vmdk.blocklog

The report is as follows
13/30 W10-VM_05-flat.vmdk 100.00 GB | 100.00% 100.00% 20 RE

The questions are:

1) why is there a correction to the blocklog file on backups? Could it depend on the different version?
2) Shouldn't the 3 options of the check command work differently? That is, only FULL should regenerate the blocklog if I understand correctly

I found no examples for the "check" command. Did I do something wrong?

NOTE 1: I made a diff between the files and the only differences are on the 20 lines as per the report.
        So I think it doesn't depend on the version otherwise I would have found practically all the checksum lines different
NOTE 2: Checking yesterday's copy of the same backup gave +2000 corrections

I'm trying to check all the other backups.....

Thank you


xsibackup \
--replica \
"VMs(W10-VM_05)" \
"root@$(( $(( $(date +%s)/86400 )) % 2 ))/esxi20" \
--compression="no" \
--use-smtp="2" \
--mail-to="xxxxxxxx@lostudiocommerciale.it" \
--description="W10-WM_05" \
>> /scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-DC/var/log/xsibackup.log 2>&1

#4 General matters » Warning: failed to update remote file 'xsibackup', is it open? » 2023-12-11 07:30:11

Replies: 1


For a few days I've been getting the error "Warning: failed to update remote file 'xsibackup', is it open?" on several backups.

They are not always the same but 2 seem to be systematic

I have 3 esxi 7 servers running backups on a single NAS but the error only occurs with one server

The version of xsibackup is and I use the 'replicate' mode without CBT

There are no time overlaps. Each backup ends well before the next one begins

What could it depend on?

Thank you!


#5 Re: General matters » You can only upload a request key for MAC: xxxxxx » 2023-09-08 13:44:56

Problem solved
I saw from the help that the file must be renamed before loading it

Thank you!


#6 General matters » You can only upload a request key for MAC: xxxxxx » 2023-09-08 13:00:01

Replies: 1


I updated xsibackup to version from 1.7.0.
I regenerated the key via xsibackup --request-key
When I reupload the request.key file to the site, I get the above error
The MAC address is the correct one.
I have 2 licenses.
I tried to load request.key also on the other license but I get the same error (with different mac address...)

How can I solve it?

Thank you!


#7 General matters » Replica error via IP » 2023-06-20 06:07:57

Replies: 1


Both with xsibackup-dc and the backup fails
I use esxi 7 U3 and as a backup drive a debian server (latest version)

The backup script is as follows

/scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-DC/xsibackup \
--replica \
"VMs(W2022_DC)" \
"root@$(( $(( $(date +%s)/86400 )) % 3 ))/esxi20" \
--compression="no" \
--use-smtp="2" \
--mail-to="yyy@xxxx.it" \
>> /scratch/XSI/XSIBackup-DC/var/log/xsibackup.log 2>&1

The replica actually seems correct.
The error appears to be in a post-replication operation
In any case I can't do backups via ip (with nfs they are too slow).
Do you have any suggestions ?
Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you


ERROR with

2023-06-19T10:45:46 | Error code 1866 at file common.c, line 1866 | Error description: error running remote command: ssh -p22 -q -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1440 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey,keyboard-interactive,password -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "/vmfs/volumes/6475f4e2-0593146c-94cc-941882662168/XSI/XSIBackup-DC/xsibackup_id_rsa" root@ "eval \$(echo 'c3luYztSPSIkKCAoIi9ob21lL3Jvb3QvLnhzaS9iaW4veHNpYmFja3VwIiAtLWNsZWFuLW9zbmFwc2hvdHMgIi9CYWNrdXAvYmFja3VwX2VzeGkvMC9lc3hpMjAvVzIwMjJfRENfbG9zdHVkaW9jb21tZXJjaWFsZV8xL1cyMDIyX0RDX2xvc3R1ZGlvY29tbWVyY2lhbGVfMS52bXNkIikgMj4mMSApIjtlY2hvIC1uICQ/IjsiJFIK' | '/home/root/.xsi/bin/xsib64' -di 2>/dev/null)" 2>&1, response:
2023-06-19T10:45:47 | Error code 5449 at file xsibackup.c, line 5449 | Error description: some error/s were raised while backing up: VMs(W2022_DC), error count is: 1

#8 Re: General matters » Backups fail on esxi 7U3 installed on SD card » 2023-06-03 07:53:21

Thanks for the reply

I'll try to rebuild the installation on hd

In this case, how should I proceed to re-enable the license ?

Thank you!


#9 General matters » Backups fail on esxi 7U3 installed on SD card » 2023-05-20 13:46:40

Replies: 3


Backups fail on esxi 7U3 installed on SD card

io ho installato xsibackup-free

The errors are as follows:

cannot create dir '/vmfs/volumes/20230520130012', response: Operation not permitted
can't create backup folder
cannot create dir '/vmfs/volumes/cfgbak', response: Operation not permitted
cannot create dir '/vmfs/volumes/data', response: Operation not permitted

Is there a configuration file where I can change the path ?
Is there any solution to this problem?

Thank you!

Stefano Pesaresi

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