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#2 Re: General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 18:24:19

I guess I need to do some more reading as to how the CBT tracking works exactly.

How do I get the preview version? Happy to feedback any issues I might encounter!

And thanks for all your help and advice!

#3 Re: General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 16:06:21

So with CBT all changes are tracked and kept historically for the whole time CBT is enabled?

#4 Re: General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 15:26:51

I was using CBT when it happened, does this mean I should still delete and resync the whole VM still?

Side question: Is it possible to compress data during transfer as it seemed to me like SSH compression is off by default?

#5 Re: General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 12:41:19

Well, least now you know wink (much like I do)

Ok I see. That's what I was trying to do if by what you call mirror disks you mean the mirrored data at the replica side?

I must admit I should of made a not of the error but I didn't, I'm pretty sure it was mid way through backing up too as I had to verify the xsibackup process wasn't present then manually delete the lock file.

#6 Re: General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 12:04:11

Just to add though, how does it check the data without looking at the source data on the source server?

#8 Re: General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 11:50:26

Sure here you go:

root@dr0:/data/cbt_replicas# xsibackup --check /data/cbt_replicas/testvm/ --verbosity=10

SIGTERM (11) condition was trapped: check logs for more details
Cleaning up...

Nothing appears to be logged except in the kernel log I see the following (for example):

Jul 28 12:48:43 dr0 kernel: [443932.765980] xsibackup[41606] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600400 cs:33 sp:7ffd462c5fe8 ax:ffffffffff600400 si:73f691 di:0

This is on Debian 10.10... Does that help?

#9 General matters » XSIBackup-DC is it possible to --check on a remote over SSH replica? » 2021-07-28 10:51:02

Replies: 14


So I was replicating just happily to a remote Linux server over SSH then I received an error during backup. As such I want to run the --check option to ensure my replica is good but it always seems to error suggesting the path I have is incorrect.

Should --check work over SSH? If so can someone give me an example of how to run it correctly?

Thanks in advance!

#10 Re: General matters » How to exclude VM's rather then include » 2017-10-17 14:47:36

Thanks for that, in the end I decided to wrap xsibackup inside another script

#11 General matters » How to exclude VM's rather then include » 2017-10-16 19:01:52

Replies: 27


Is it possible to exclude VM's based on a regexp or similar?

I want to backup all my VM's except for a select few, just trying to find the easiest way.

Thanks in advance.

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